Friday, December 2, 2011

Packaging Design

My packaging will incorporate drawers into the box that the plastic cutlery comes in, so the outward appearance will mimic a kitchen drawer.

 The top/front of the box will have a design like one of the above. Either stone or wooden topped, though I think the stone would make it look more like a kitchen counter top.

The sides and bottom will look a bit more like this, but only with the drawer design, not the cabinet door. I imagine I'll be going to Home Depot to take my own images to cover it with.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Book Cover: Alternate Idea

My alternate idea for my book cover used photographic elements. I didn't use it because my camera was on the wrong setting and the pictures were too small. Since I may still make the alternative book cover, I'll post some of the better pictures here.

Book Cover: Final

The final design for my book cover. I wasn't able to do the photographic design I had wanted to, but I will probably complete that one over the winter.

Packaging Project

I've chosen to do plastic cutlery for my repackaging project. I'm redesigning a 24 pack with spoons, forks, and knives. There are 8 of each. I'll be aiming for ease of retrieval in my design, because I feel one should be able to get a spoon without digging through the whole box first.

The cutlery looks like the above.

It tends to come in plastic bags or cardboard boxes.

Mine came in a box like the above, but not nearly as nicely designed.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pride & Prejudice: My Design

This is the cover design I have done so far. The back cover and the spine should come along quicker, so I'll probably have time to work up the other design I wanted to do. The other design uses a lot of objects I won't have access to until this weekend, so I should be able to post it a bit later.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pride & Prejudice Book Covers

These are mostly just the covers I've been looking through that I liked. I'm especially intrigued by the ones that mimic fabric or have very simple art. As for the Marvel Comic covers, I'm just really amused by those. I probably won't take much inspiration from them, but I wanted them here.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Since it completely slipped my mind...

I suppose I'll post my advertisements now.

The mint one will be getting some work so that it is more minty and has a lighter color. Some of them rays of chocolate/sugar/mint leaves on the mint one might need tweaking too. The grapes, raspberry, mint leaves, and chocolates are all made up of ice cream swirls or scoops.