Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Book Cover: Alternate Idea

My alternate idea for my book cover used photographic elements. I didn't use it because my camera was on the wrong setting and the pictures were too small. Since I may still make the alternative book cover, I'll post some of the better pictures here.

Book Cover: Final

The final design for my book cover. I wasn't able to do the photographic design I had wanted to, but I will probably complete that one over the winter.

Packaging Project

I've chosen to do plastic cutlery for my repackaging project. I'm redesigning a 24 pack with spoons, forks, and knives. There are 8 of each. I'll be aiming for ease of retrieval in my design, because I feel one should be able to get a spoon without digging through the whole box first.

The cutlery looks like the above.

It tends to come in plastic bags or cardboard boxes.

Mine came in a box like the above, but not nearly as nicely designed.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pride & Prejudice: My Design

This is the cover design I have done so far. The back cover and the spine should come along quicker, so I'll probably have time to work up the other design I wanted to do. The other design uses a lot of objects I won't have access to until this weekend, so I should be able to post it a bit later.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pride & Prejudice Book Covers

These are mostly just the covers I've been looking through that I liked. I'm especially intrigued by the ones that mimic fabric or have very simple art. As for the Marvel Comic covers, I'm just really amused by those. I probably won't take much inspiration from them, but I wanted them here.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Since it completely slipped my mind...

I suppose I'll post my advertisements now.

The mint one will be getting some work so that it is more minty and has a lighter color. Some of them rays of chocolate/sugar/mint leaves on the mint one might need tweaking too. The grapes, raspberry, mint leaves, and chocolates are all made up of ice cream swirls or scoops.

Southern Comfort Conference Posters

These are the two event posters I've worked up to full size. I'm favoring the bottom one over the top, but I think I'll still have to rework the bottom one so that the white spaces are more even. Right now, I've got problems with the white space where it divides the arms from the legs on the right and where it shapes the heads on the left. I also may play with the lettering at the bottom some more before I'm done.