Friday, December 2, 2011

Packaging Design

My packaging will incorporate drawers into the box that the plastic cutlery comes in, so the outward appearance will mimic a kitchen drawer.

 The top/front of the box will have a design like one of the above. Either stone or wooden topped, though I think the stone would make it look more like a kitchen counter top.

The sides and bottom will look a bit more like this, but only with the drawer design, not the cabinet door. I imagine I'll be going to Home Depot to take my own images to cover it with.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Book Cover: Alternate Idea

My alternate idea for my book cover used photographic elements. I didn't use it because my camera was on the wrong setting and the pictures were too small. Since I may still make the alternative book cover, I'll post some of the better pictures here.

Book Cover: Final

The final design for my book cover. I wasn't able to do the photographic design I had wanted to, but I will probably complete that one over the winter.

Packaging Project

I've chosen to do plastic cutlery for my repackaging project. I'm redesigning a 24 pack with spoons, forks, and knives. There are 8 of each. I'll be aiming for ease of retrieval in my design, because I feel one should be able to get a spoon without digging through the whole box first.

The cutlery looks like the above.

It tends to come in plastic bags or cardboard boxes.

Mine came in a box like the above, but not nearly as nicely designed.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Pride & Prejudice: My Design

This is the cover design I have done so far. The back cover and the spine should come along quicker, so I'll probably have time to work up the other design I wanted to do. The other design uses a lot of objects I won't have access to until this weekend, so I should be able to post it a bit later.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pride & Prejudice Book Covers

These are mostly just the covers I've been looking through that I liked. I'm especially intrigued by the ones that mimic fabric or have very simple art. As for the Marvel Comic covers, I'm just really amused by those. I probably won't take much inspiration from them, but I wanted them here.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Since it completely slipped my mind...

I suppose I'll post my advertisements now.

The mint one will be getting some work so that it is more minty and has a lighter color. Some of them rays of chocolate/sugar/mint leaves on the mint one might need tweaking too. The grapes, raspberry, mint leaves, and chocolates are all made up of ice cream swirls or scoops.

Southern Comfort Conference Posters

These are the two event posters I've worked up to full size. I'm favoring the bottom one over the top, but I think I'll still have to rework the bottom one so that the white spaces are more even. Right now, I've got problems with the white space where it divides the arms from the legs on the right and where it shapes the heads on the left. I also may play with the lettering at the bottom some more before I'm done.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Event Poster

I've chosen the Southern Comfort Conference for my event poster. It's a conference for the trans* community that I went to mid-September. I had it narrowed down to this, Pride, or Anime Weekend Atlanta. I chose this because it covers an area that's a bit smaller than the other two. Anime events tend to cover a lot of different groups and subjects, a lot of which are actually western media. I think it would get really busy. Likewise, if I did Pride, I'd have to include a lot of groups and subgroup. These two events also have pretty established ways of representing themselves, so there is less room for experimentation.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Logo Design Progress

Typographic Design

Illustrative Design

I'll try to post them with color later today.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

3 Digital Logos

Logo #1
Logo #2
Logo #3

I'm not so keen on number 2 anymore, but I'm still a little stuck between 1 and 3. The first one will take a little more work if I want everything symmetrical and flowing properly, but I really like it. Any opinions?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

3 Logos

I'm currently stuck between three logos that I may want to use for my typographic logo.

Logo #1

Logo #2

Logo #3

I'm leaning more towards the first two, but I still like the last one. Hopefully I'll be able to pick one when I get them in Illustrator.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Personal Logo Sketches

Sheet #1

Sheet #2

Sheet #3

There will hopefully be more soon and inked versions.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Poorly Designed Logo

It has always been unclear to me what the Logitech logo is supposed to be. I recently researched it for a project I am doing in my Typography class, and I could not find any explanation of what it is meant to be on their website. It originally looked like this:

Which leads me to believe that the cursor and eye were meant to communicate the thought process behind operating a mouse and using a computer. I think the fact that I needed to look up the old logo and extrapolate the meaning counts against the newer logo. The abstraction goes too far in the new one, and the techniques don't work. The gel effect makes it look messy and the single red piece that isn't gelled doesn't communicate well.

I don't particularly like the old logo, but I think the newer one is much, much worse.

Well Designed Logos

This is a logo I feel works really well. The Mozilla Firefox logo really captures something about the browser experience. The vivid colors and contrast set it apart as an internet-based company, and the fox has a posture as if it is about to dive straight into the blue globe. Its posture is also slightly fetal, which suggests the constant growth and newness offered by the internet.

I like this logo because of the interesting way that the letters intersect one another. It manages to use part of DC shoe's name and turns them into a symbol. Glancing at it, I could separate the letters if I wanted, but I can also view it as an abstract symbol. Finally, I feel the star is a nice touch to the overall composition. It keeps the design from becoming static or off balance.

I have liked this logo since the first time I saw it. I like how the Superman logo overlaps the Batman logo, but mimics the bottom point of the original logo. The position of the logos, the Superman one in front and the Batman one behind, can be read to represent the character's personalities and the way they operate as a team. Batman is unfriendly and prefers stealth, whereas Superman is friendly and prefers the straightforward approach.

That being said, I also have problems with the way the Superman logo intrudes on the Batman logo. It makes the overall design more clumsy and less sleek. Since that is also something I mentioned as a strength of the logo, I still classify it as well designed.

I am including this logo because it is a redesigned version of the above logo. I'm not completely on board with the shading or the background, but I am very impressed with the way this person combined the bat symbol with the super shield. I think this is a better representation of the characters. The Superman symbol is more frank and is not swamped by the bat's wings. The Batman symbol hides in the center of the S and is unexpected. You could almost miss it if you merely glanced at the logo.

(I have no idea who designed the bottom logo, but I do not think it was DC Comics. If you designed it, please let me know. I'd love to give you credit and link you.)