This is a logo I feel works really well. The Mozilla Firefox logo really captures something about the browser experience. The vivid colors and contrast set it apart as an internet-based company, and the fox has a posture as if it is about to dive straight into the blue globe. Its posture is also slightly fetal, which suggests the constant growth and newness offered by the internet.
I like this logo because of the interesting way that the letters intersect one another. It manages to use part of DC shoe's name and turns them into a symbol. Glancing at it, I could separate the letters if I wanted, but I can also view it as an abstract symbol. Finally, I feel the star is a nice touch to the overall composition. It keeps the design from becoming static or off balance.
I have liked this logo since the first time I saw it. I like how the Superman logo overlaps the Batman logo, but mimics the bottom point of the original logo. The position of the logos, the Superman one in front and the Batman one behind, can be read to represent the character's personalities and the way they operate as a team. Batman is unfriendly and prefers stealth, whereas Superman is friendly and prefers the straightforward approach.
That being said, I also have problems with the way the Superman logo intrudes on the Batman logo. It makes the overall design more clumsy and less sleek. Since that is also something I mentioned as a strength of the logo, I still classify it as well designed.
I am including this logo because it is a redesigned version of the above logo. I'm not completely on board with the shading or the background, but I am very impressed with the way this person combined the bat symbol with the super shield. I think this is a better representation of the characters. The Superman symbol is more frank and is not swamped by the bat's wings. The Batman symbol hides in the center of the S and is unexpected. You could almost miss it if you merely glanced at the logo.
(I have no idea who designed the bottom logo, but I do not think it was DC Comics. If you designed it, please let me know. I'd love to give you credit and link you.)